Staff Report

- PEN19-0110 - Courtyards at Cottonwood Proposed General Plan Amendment, Change of Zone, and Plot Plan for 81 affordable residential units on 8.37 acres, located at the northeast corner of Cottonwood Avenue and Indian Street -

Document # 2019-205
Status Adopted
Category Public Hearing
Functional Category Planning
Patricia Korzec Yes/Aye
Robert Harris Yes/Aye
JoAnn Stephan Yes/Aye
Rafael Brugueras Yes/Aye
Jeffrey Sims Yes/Aye
Ray L. Baker Yes/Aye
Alvin DeJohnette Yes/Aye

Financial Impact

Open Document File

Public Hearing Notice
Radius Map
Resolution No. 2019-37 - Initial Study and MND
Exhibit A to Resolution No. 2019-37
Exhibit B to Resolution No. 2019-37
Resolution 2019-38 - General Plan Amendment
Exhibit A to Resolution No. 2019-38
Resolution 2019-39 - Zone Change
Exhibit A to Resolution 2019-39
Resolution 2019-40 - Plot Plan
Exhibit A to Resolution 2019-40
Site Plan
Building Elevations
Floor, Roof, and Section Plans
Preliminary Grading Plan
Aerial Map

Meeting History
Meeting (Oct 10, 2019 7:00 PM) Approved